Thursday, January 7, 2016

Final Reflections

On the whole, I think my activities went well:

Listening to a playlist of Japanese songs has helped me see the speed at which Japanese naturally flows. Also, I have been trying more and more to shadow some of the songs and sing along especially some of  the choruses.  My favorite song so far has been Sekai No Owari’s RPG.

This semester for anime, I have been mainly  watching Noragami, which has been great for seeing how native speakers structure their sentences. Also, it had introduced me to new vocab and reinforced how to properly pronounce the vocab I already know.

I wasn’t able to go the Japanese table as much as I had planned (every other week) but for the times I did go, I had a couple good short conversations. I hope to go more, next semester.

My goals were to be able to differentiate between words and to have better pronunciation and intonation.

For the first goal, particles helped me recognize where different words ended and also the word’s significance within a sentence. It can be hard sometimes keep track of all words when spoken at the natural speed but I think I did improve over the semester.

For my pronunciation goal, I think PE exercises highlighted where I needed to improve (R sounds especially) so though I didn’t improve as much with this goal, at least I know what I need to work on.

It has been a good semester and I hope to learn more and improve my Japanese.
Well, time to fly on to the next semester!.


Wednesday, January 6, 2016


わたしのしゅみは 何ですか。

そうですね。 えをかくのと アニメをみるのと にんてんどのゲームをすろのと  サッカーをするのと まんがをよむのと へやで ゆっくりするのが 好きです。 しゅみの中で、 コンピューターで えをかくのが 一番大好きなので、 えをかくのを 一番よくします。ふゆ休みは このえをおわりました。 まんがの中で ブリーチが 一番好きなので、ひつがやさんのえをかきました。「ひつがやさんは ブリーチのゆうめいな人です」 ふゆ休みも ノラガミのアニメをたくさん みました。 いつか、わたしは ノラガミの人のえを かきたいです。 でも らい週 テストが あります。
