Wednesday, December 2, 2015


サンクスギビングの休みは ひまで、たのしかったです。うちに かえって、かぞくと ゆっくりしました。うちで コンピュータで えを かきました。サンクスギビングの休みに ぼくは このえを おわりました。

に週かんまえから 今週まで コンピュータで このえを かいて、じゅうじかんぐらい かけました。このとりのおなまえは えいごで Talonflameですが、日本ごで ファイアローですよ。Talonflameは ほのおのポケモンです。ぼくは ほのおのポケモンすきです。「ほのおは えいごで Flameです」

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

My Revised Activities and Goals

Since I don’t have much to add, I’m going to talk about how my activities have been going so far.

Going to the Japanese Table has been good so far, especially in learning new vocab through different conversations. I am still planning to go at least every other week and also to focus on talking more .

Watching Noragami has been great as here and there I am able to understand word or two. It has also been useful in helping me understand the different structures of Japanese sentences. So I plan to keep watching Noragami, focusing more on trying to listen to the words instead of simply reading the subtitles.

I have also been listening to a playlist of Japanese songs, ranging from anime songs from Tiger and Bunny, Bleach and Noragami to  songs from Japanese bands like Sekai no Owari, Hello Sleepwalkers, and Oral Cigarettes. Now that I have listened to most of these songs multiple times, I have started being able to sing along for couple lines and also say the words closer to the right speed.

My goals are the same but I’ll post them below:


-To be able to speak better, especially when it come to pronunciation and intonation of words.

-Also to be able to better distinguish between different Japanese words so I can understand them and respond, using the phrases I learn in class and also through Japanese media (anime, drama, manga, etc)

Until next time,
じゃ また!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

妖怪ウォッチ ( ようかい ウォッチ)

このえは ようかいのえです。
ようかいのにほんごのおなまえは ジミーです でも えいごのおなまえは Dimmy です。

Yokai Watch was released in the USA a few days ago on November 6th.  So far the demo has been fun so I might get the game. Since I like drawing ninjas, I drew this ninja yokai. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

LRNJ--Learn Japanese RPG

If you like RPG games, you will probably like LRNJ. LRNJ is an RPG that first test the kana (katakana first then hiragana) then test kanji recognition. It helped me in learning how to recognize hiragana and katakana pretty well, and I have been using for the sometime to learn some of the  kanji. Though it doesn’t teach you words, it can be useful in learning what different kanji characters represent. The free demo gets you through katakana and hiragana and then some kanji!

Here’s the link:

Thursday, October 1, 2015

PE goal statement


In order to increase my Japanese speaking ability, I have listed some goals and activities to help me learn Japanese.


-To be able to speak better, especially when it come to pronunciation and intonation of words.

-Also to be able to better distinguish between different Japanese words so I can understand them and respond, using the phrases I learn in class and also through Japanese media (anime, drama, manga, etc)


-Go to the Japanese language table at least every other week to have more interactions outside of class to converse in Japanese

-Watch at least one episode of anime on the weekends to get better at differentiating between words and also to learn pitch patterns and intonations of words.

- Listening to a playlist of Japanese songs, to increase my recognition of words. Also to sing along to learn how to pronounce the words better, especially words with glides and double consonants.

Until next time,
じゃ また!

Monday, September 28, 2015


はじめまして、Offei-Addo です。どうぞ よろしく。
Princetonだいがく の  がくせい です。 よねんせい です。せんこうは せいぶつがく です。
あめりかじん です。わたしは Massachusetts から きました。

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Why I want to learn Japanese

はじめまして, Offei-Addo です, どうぞよろしく.

Hello, my name is Kwaku Offei-Addo. I’m excited about finally learning to speak another language other than English. (I took Latin in high school but since it is a dead language, I never learned to speak it.) So far the class is going well though sometimes it can be hard to remember all the phrases and when it is appropriate to say them. I decided to learn Japanese because for some time now I tried to do it on my own--however I never really got too far. Hopefully being  in a classroom setting will help spur me on to finally learn Japanese.